C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
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11 April 1989
Release Notes
Othello game-playing program, as described in
The C Users Journal,
Vol. 7, Number 3 (April 1989)
pp. 89-96
Gary Culp, Jonathan Ward
EmTech, Inc.
1418 Upfield, Suite 117
Carrollton, TX 75006
L.BAT batch file created because Jon is too lazy to type
BDTTY.C display routines
BD_EVAL.C board scoring
BLDFA.C separate utility that builds table in FATABL.C
BUILDLVL.C build the move tree a level deeper
DUMPTREE.C debugging functions
FATABL.C full-axis bits table (data)
GETMOV.C gets the human's move
MINIMAX.C minimax search of move tree
MOVEIT.C verify & execute move (human's or computer's move)
MOVE_GEN.C move generator (finds 1 possible move)
OTHDBM.C database management routines
PIECE_CT.C count pieces of a given type / check each player's ability to move
PROTECT.C determines what pieces are permanent
TESTDBM.C dummy caller for testing database manager
TESTDISP.C dummy caller for testing display routines
BLDFA.EXE executable of BLDFA.C
OTHELLO.EXE executable game program
OTHELLO.H header file with #defines, prototypes, typedefs, etc.
OTHELLO.LNK linker response file for Microsoft LINK
OTHELLO.MAK makefile for Microsoft MAKE
Known bugs:
If the human player has just moved, and the game is now over, the
computer may not immediately recognize that the game is over.
Instead, it will say that it is unable to move and ask the player to
press a key; THEN it will recognize that the game is over.
The rest of this document lists some of the improvements and
variations we have considered for our Othello program, but not
[] Pruning
The current version of the program considers every possible sequence
of moves to a particular depth. Alpha-beta pruning would reduce the
number of boards that have to be scored, while still giving the same
result. The program would either be faster or could look ahead
deeper (or both).
To implement alpha-beta pruning would require considerable changes to
the database and tree-build sections of the program.
[] Improvements to tree-build
The portion of the program that builds a level of the move tree is
more complicated than it needs to be. It should have been written as
a recursive function.
[] Different board scoring methods
Originally, the score for a board was based mostly on the number of
permanent pieces of each color. The number of non-permanent pieces
of each color also had a small influence on the score.
The current version of the program uses the same scoring scheme with
a slight modification to discourage the computer from playing
adjacent to an empty corner. Playing adjacent to an empty corner is
dangerous because, later in the game, it may provide the opponent a
bridge to the corner.
Scoring boards according to the number of permanent pieces is a good
technique for the middle of the game; but determining whether pieces
are permanent is computationally expensive. For the first few moves
and the last few moves in the game, this effort is wastful.
In the early moves of the game, there are no permanent pieces, so
there is no reason to look for them. We can't make up our minds how
boards should be scored in the early moves of the game. The schemes
we have considered involve assigning a weight to each square on the
board which indicates how desirable it is to occupy that square. One
program we know of (written by Bart "Flatfingers" Stewart) tries to
play in the 12 squares adjacent to the 4 central squares. (Remember,
the 4 central squares are occupied at the beginning of the game.) The
idea is to avoid playing adjacent to the outer edge, which would give
the opponent a bridge to the outer edge.
In the last few moves of the game, it is practical to look ahead all
the way to the end of the game, so just counting the number of pieces
of each color is the most sensible way to score the boards
[] Display routines
The display routines in the current version make very few assumptions
about the display hardware. A much prettier display, with graphics
and colors, could be written. Also, mouse support could be added to
the program.
[] .EXE size reduction
The limb_array in OTHDBM.C is allocated at compile time and make the
.EXE file very big. If limb_array were allocated at run time (with
_fmalloc or some such function), the .EXE file would be a lot
smaller. The EXEPACK utility that comes with the Microsoft C
compiler will also reduce the file size by about the same amount,
with no changes to the source code.